Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Rich guy!

One day at Church the people were asking the rich man why was he so selfish? The Rich man exclaimed, " What do you mean, you all know when i die that all that i have will go to this church!" The Pastor said let me tell you a story about the cow and the pig.

The pig asked the cow "why do they love you so much? I give them ham and bacon and they even pickle my feet." The cow said "yes but I guess them all that i have while im still alive"

The point of the story is to give while you are still alive and not when you are dead and gone. And as simple as that story is we should give more rather than waiting to recieve!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Road to Success!

Im new to this blogging thing, but I believe I would get use to it!

So im a student for Gwinnett Technical College and decided to venture out into a new....well venture...I want to show to my fellow students that paralegal is the way to go. Here are the reasons why:

There is no pyramid scam. You make your own money and dont rely on anyone else to deligate what you do. Check this out whoever you work for already has you in the pyramid because there is a chain of command. The person whose sitting in that big comfy chair up top is looking at you working for them.

This business actually has a meaning for ONCE! If you get pulled over flash your legal service ID and show them that you are not at fault. Not to say if you were doing a 70 in a 40 youll be off the hook, but it will lower the cost because you have representation.

You can make a lot of money out of this. Starting off at 2000 a month. I dont know about you, but that sounds great to have an extra 2k in my wallet.

And last but not least, you WORK LESS! Of course you have to put time into your business but you want to do so inorder to be successful.

If you are interested in such and are in the Atlanta, Ga area mainly or outside the state, let me know and I will touch basis with you on how you can reach me or a legal services representative.

This is Kiwi Wiz Over and Out!